Distribution of Marijuana

  • LIS > Code of Virginia > 18.2-248.1


    Penalties for sale, gift, distribution or possession with intent to sell, give or distribute marijuana. Except as authorized in the Drug Control Act, Chapter 34 of Title …

  • LIS > Code of Virginia > 18.2-248


    it shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, sell, give, distribute, or …. or more of a mixture or substance containing a detectable amount of marijuana; or.

  • Marijuana: Possession vs. Possession With Intent to Distribute


    Mar 27, 2012 – Simple possession of marijuana, a violation of Virginia Code Section 18.2-250.1 is a misdemeanor; possession with intent to distribute more …

  • Virginia Marijuana, Drug Defenses, Penalties: Possession of


    Nov 9, 2010 – Virginia criminalizes the sale, gift, distribution and possession with intent to sell, give or distribute marijuana in Virginia VA Code Section …

  • Virginia Laws & Penalties – NORML.org – Working to Reform


    National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana La…

    In VA, having a large quantity of marijuana is not proof of intent to distribute alone. Distributing more than a half ounce of marijuana, but less than 5 lbs., is a …